Proof that you are truly cosmic

Here is a series of mind blowing facts for you (see pictures below). 

This also hints at how we got inspired by the cosmic diversity along the way and it only added to how we truly feel kids deserve to shine – only and all in their own unique way. 

At one point, we were so busy exploring and reinventing future breakfast for the grown ups, that we kind of totally missed out on doing the same for kids….until 2018! That is when we listened to what some Mamas and Papas were saying to us, “Why don’t you launch clean ingredient-breakfast for kids?”. We took the giant, challenging, adventurous, and delicious leap. Now, we have a whole category : KIDS, on the website. But, it all started with this : Cosmic Clusters, Kids Amaranth Cereal (see-real) : WHOLE, just like how it was born! .

Our heartfelt message is printed right on the packaging. In case you haven’t read that, here are a few lines from it : 

Look at the stars in the night sky,

look how no two clusters are the exact shape or size or share the same illuminance. .

Just like how the universe is an infinite maze full of amaze, so are COSMIC CLUSTERS. 
Our motto is simple. Keep fuelling curiosity and imagination, one cluster at a time. .
Slow experiences like gazing in the night sky are pure joy, and so is grazing on Cosmic Clusters, we dare say. .

Have a delicious, delicious day! 💚🙌🏻

Answer : 2.5 times the circumference of Earth

Answer : A tennis court

Answer : Beyond Pluto

A simple recipe for you as you ponder over all of this amazingness :

When you enjoy devouring your TNB Breakfast, know that you are fuelling a positive change not just in your life but at a much larger level by being a part of our motto: “Every Ingredient Matters”, that aims at nourishing your body with clean, plant based, wholesome and health-boosting foods.

 Your support/ queries/ suggestion/ feedback help us get better at what we do to make your mornings much easier and happier. You can share your stories and more with us in the comments below or by simply writing to us at [email protected]

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Make time for things that truly matter - 12 amazing ways