8 Nutrients to make your plant based diet more amazing

Breakfast  |  Snacks


Maintaining a nutrient-rich plant-based diet is essential for overall health and well-being. Let’s explore the key nutrients you need to focus on when following a plant-based lifestyle. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you thrive on a plant-based diet:

1. Vitamin B12: primarily found in animal products, so plant-based eaters may be at risk of deficiency.

• Solution: Consider taking a B12 supplement or consuming fortified foods like plant-based milksbreakfast cereals, or nutritional yeast.

2. Iron: Plant-based iron (non-heme iron) is less readily absorbed than heme iron from animal sources.

• Solution: Boost Iron intake by including legumes (beans, lentils), whole grains, nuts, seeds, and dark leafy greens. Pair these with vitamin C-rich foods (like citrus fruits) to enhance absorption.

3. Calcium: Dairy products are a common Calcium source, but plant-based diets exclude them.

• Solution: Opt for fortified plant-based milk (such as almond, soy, or oat milk), tofu, leafy greens (kale, collard greens), and fortified orange juice.

4. Vitamin D: Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, but it’s challenging to get enough through diet alone.

• Solution: Spend time outdoors, and consider a vitamin D supplement if needed.

5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fish is a primary source of omega-3s, but plant-based eaters can obtain them from other sources.

• Solution: Include flaxseedschia seeds, walnuts, and algae-based supplements.

6. Iodine: Iodine is essential for thyroid function.

• Solution: Use iodized salt or consume seaweed (nori, kelp) occasionally. 

7. Protein:  Essential for muscle repair, enzymes, hormones, and immune function. Aim for a variety of protein-rich foods to meet your needs. 

• Sources: Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas), tofu, tempeh, seitan, nutsseeds, and whole grains. 

8. Zinc : Important for immune function and wound healing.

Sources: Legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fortified cereals.

Remember, variety is key! A diverse plant-based diet ensures you receive a wide range of nutrients. Listen to your body, stay informed, and consult a registered dietitian or healthcare professional for personalized advice.


Plant based diet: A guide for health and nutrition

Embracing a plant-based diet - Stanford Report

Plant-Based Diet: The Breakdown | Nutrition - University of Arizona

Plant-Based Nutrition: A Complete Guide for Vegetarians


Explore Plant based Breakfast

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fueling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, are 100% plant-based breakfast.

for your gut

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fuelling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, is a Gluten free breakfast.

for your gut

The fiber rich, nutrient dense ingredients are aimed at fuelling the health of your gut. Granola, like everything at TNB, is a Gluten free breakfast.

Enjoy sustained energy and healthy lifestyle with our breakfast and snacks that are made using high quality, wholesome, plant-based ingredients.

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